Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Ripoff, car was repoed, called got info needed, faxed 7x's, kept saying they didn't receive it. Can't tell me where car is, storage fee continually building daily. Flagship PWellsa

Cars & Transport

Wells Fargo repossessed my car 08/29, I immediately contacted them, spoke with a Kathy and she told me what to send, I faxed the info as requested. I was not told of Everything that was needed, until I called back and spoke with a Curtis Bonner @ 800-357-7501ext 33477. He advised what was required, this time more info requested, did fax that too, each day I s/w him and he kept saying he did not receive it or the paperwork was to small to read, so

I enlarged it and faxed it 5 (five) more times, and again, They hadn't received it. The fax# was confirmed each time. Today is 09/15, they have received the current payment as well as $1435.00 and no one seems to know where my paperwork is. Paperwork has been faxed 7 times total!!!

The repo company is making money hand over fist off me, why can't they do their job, I have sent everything they requested, but they aren't helping me, and my storage fee is growing daily.

The initial service associate never even bothered to call me back, not even to state whether or not the paperwork was received or not. The one person who helped me, has been diligent, the 3rd person that I spoke with, stopped answering his ext 09/15.
If anyone I know is considering buying a car, I will tell them not to get financing thru Wells Fargo Auto finance.

Company: Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8003577501
Site: wellsfargoauto.com
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