Comcast / Cable
Unfair business practices

TV & Radio

I was told that I had to be home to cancel my service, though I have no special equipment belonging to them. (I have always had only the sub-basic cable.) So, I kept paying the monthly fee to keep my good name. Today, I finally had a day to stay home and made an appointment for the company representative to come out. He didn't come all day. When I called again, Michelle said, "Oh, you don't have to be home. They can do everything they need to do outside". REALLY?!?!?! Then why did they tell me in September that I needed to be home? They told me the same thing when I made the appointment despite my protestations that I don't see why when I don't have any of their equipment in my house. Their actions cost me 11 months of fees that really didn't need to be paid because they could have shut off my service without me being home ($158.40) and one day's lost wages for staying home today ($70; Total financial harm caused me - $228.40).

Company: Comcast / Cable
Country: USA
State: Florida
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Comcast Cable TV
The name changes but it is still the same bunch of clowns! Ripoff

Comcast Cable
Comcast did not show up at my home for a scheduled appointment. Maybe he was sleeping in a chair at someone another customers house! Ripoff


Comcast Service
Comcast does not delive

Comcast billed me for unreturned equipment that I returned

AT&T Broadband
ATT Broadband ripoff abused & mistreated liars wasted my time Sacramento

Cancellation of CONFIRMED appointment

Do not buy comcast

Comcast Nightmare - Cable and Internet