Usiness service? What service? - business phone and internet

TV & Radio

I've owned a little clothing store for 11 years, and just switched to comcast for my business phone and internet two months ago. We experienced our first 'outage' yesterday, when we were unable to run people's credit cards nor access our online security system for over four hours! When i explained to comcast that this situation puts my business in financial and physical danger - they did not find that reason enough to cancel my contract without me paying them $250 for installation (which was listed as free on my contract). I've told them that my employees are not safe without phone and video surveillance - and that i cannot afford to not be able to accept credit cards - especially as the holidays approach. They've been completly rude and apathetic about the safety concerns i have with them providing my phone and internet 'service'.

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
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Super dissatisfied - business phone and internet

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Scammed me Chicago

Comcast won't cancel our service!

What a story

Incomplete installation, calling over 3 months

Comcast Cable
Consumer Report

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Rasim Mammadov
Comcast signem me to 3 years contract without disclosing me, and made me sign over the phone while I was driving