California cycles
Get screwed

Traveling & Tourism

What a joke, we rented a golfcart, put a 100.00 deposit down. Our condo was 1.5 miles away, we charge it up but the time we got it there, it used 1 bar, they said it wasn't full charge so they kept our deposit. I told them the only way to charge it and keep it charged was to carry it on my back to them, the manager said o, well. What a dick!!! He has long blond hair and tats he thinks he scares people, give me a break, he's a freak! And will probably suck one, what a bitch he is. I can't beleave the bbb or the attorny general allows this, they need to do there damn job. I seen it happen 4 times in the time i was there that day. They are getting rich by screwing people.

Company: California cycles
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Panamacity
Address: 13416 front beach rd
Phone: 8502337099
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Compass Bank
Is A Joke And A Fraud All They Do Is Rip You Off charge nsf charges after a direct deposit went through and can explain why

Ibiza House Hunters
Didn't received deposit

Hair Plus Salon

Hold your deposit for 10 days after return ripoff

Block Buste

California Cycles

Gondolier Apartments
Sadja Kahn, Mr. Methta This apartement complex kicked me out with along with a lot of other people for no reason. They didn't give me anything from my damage deposit. They told me they were going to deduct only $55 and took

Garnier Color Naturals-Blonde (7) Results-Dark Brown!

Rip off buissness practices. Lie to get your bussiness then do what they want

Zolton's Salon
Bad hair bad service