Reservation Rewards
Deceptive Practice Conneticut

Traveling & Tourism

Beware of any charges from a company known as Reservations Rewards. Apparently I bought something over the internet about a year ago and was offered a "free" service to receive coupons & discounts from this company. ZI never received anything (my email address had changed) and didn't think anything about it until I noticed a charge for $7 and called to find out what it was.

I was informed that I have been charged this every month for the past year (my fault for not noticing it sooner, but I had assumed it was something my husband had charged). When I called to find out what it was I had to ask 3 times before the customer service rep would even tell me what the company was all about. I cancelled the account and asked for a refund, which I doubt I will receive. Anyway, beware of anyone offering you something "free" when you place an order. This "free" service has cost me about $84 and I never even received one email with discount coupons.

Tucson, Arizona

Company: Reservation Rewards
Country: USA
Phone: 8007327031
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WLI Reservation Rewards
WLI Reservations Rewards Ripoff - don't buy from internet

Is a Rip Off Scam! Sells your Credit Card info! Reservation Rewards Internet

Reservation Rewards
Also WLI Reservation Rewards Billing Scam through legitimate travel websites!

WLI Reservation Rewards
Fraudulent Use Of Credit Debit Account ripoff, fraudulent use of credit debit card, scam

Reservation Rewards
Unauthorized Charges

FTD Florists
Gave my credit card number to Reservation Rewards without my permission ripoff

Reservation Rewards
Withdraws money from bank account based on using an emailed COUPON!

Entertainment Rewards
Ripoff Beware of unauthorized fraudulent charges

Reservation Rewards And FTD
Reservation Rewards and FTD

Charging to my bank account a $9.00 fee for Entertainment Rewards I I knew nothing about for about a year