Verizon Wireless


I had purchased a contract and phone Verizon Wireless. Then about 6 months later I added another phone and line. Before my bill was pretty stable. After adding the 2nd phone my bill kept going up and up without us going over teh minutes or anything. I would call adn complain and ask why and nobody would giv eme a clear anwer. I got so fed up I called to cancel befor ethe contract was up. So then they tacted on eraly terminatin fee for each phone plus the ridiculous phone bill of the last two months. I paid what my bill was suppose to be not what the bill said. Now they have sent it to the collection agency and I have paying a little along that I can and now it is over $200 added to the bill. They are rip offs.

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Titus
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Verizon Wireless
RIPOFF if you don't read your bill carefully they will get everything they can out of your pocket

Verizon communicatoins when i joined ther contract the said i would have 1 bill. Every month my bill goes up and now ther billing me seperate from my wireless. I call them every month they say they cant help me. Under contra

Verizon Wireless
Verizon wireless is a freakin' joke! Ripoff

Verizon Wireless
Verizon Wireless are scam artist

Verizon Wireless
True Ripoff, Over Charge, Rude, Refuse to answer Question Why my bill was so high


Verizon Wireless
Ripoff Not sending bills and charging late fees

Verizon Wireless
Overcharges for equipment not in use for six months

Verizon Wireless
Attempted to ruin my credit by charging bogus contract cancellation fees and sending to collections

The Verizon Wireless
False Billing