Verizon Wireless
Overcharges for equipment not in use for six months

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In Sept. 2000 I gave my wireless phone to my son but the battery died and could not be replaced. I phoned Verizon who had acquired my contract that I had from LA Cellular.

I told them the phone was broken, and that it was not fixable.
They said the would stop my service. However, this was NOT what they did.

They keep billing Oct. 2000 I again called. I paid the bill. They said the phone was de-activated and if I wanted to reactivate it to call. I told them NO.

Again in Feb. 2001 I called, they again told me it was deactivated.

Now 2/19 I have received another bill.

This AM 2/20 I phoned Verizon Wireless. They could not tell me what I am paying $90.45 for. They have threatened to send me to a colletion agency for a phone that hasn't worked in 6 months. Now I am being told that besides the $95. Bill I paid in January and the $90.45 bill I am paying now I will also get charged a $150 "fine" for shutting my phone off early.

I had the phone for 2 and 1/2 years. My term was for 2 years.
I cannot help that Verizon only had me for 1-1/2 years. Their
records are erroneous.

I will have paid Over the $150 charge after I have paid this bill. I will have paid $185.90 for a phone that has not worked in
6 months. So I am paying for NOTHING. What am I paying for???

If I do not pay they will send my account to a collection agency. But they, according to the person Ms. Adams that I spoke to this morning, know that I called. They credited my account, yet I still Owe this Money? For what???

Company: Verizon Wireless
Country: USA
State: California
City: City Of Industry
Address: Po Box 79005
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