T - Mobile
I'm fed up with them


I've been a t mobile customer for almost 8 yrs in November and honestly I'm fed up with them. They are no help their associates as well as managers are really rude and they don't live up to their responsibilities. Every company believes that their customers are always right and if they aren't they at lease try to make sure that they are satisfied.

November my t mobile pink razor phone went out (the screen went black) I called t mobile and informed them about the problem they told me to send them my old phone and they would sent me a new one which would only be 15 dollars because I hadn't had my phone for a yr. So I paid the 15 dollars with my visa credit card over the phone w/one of the reps, she wasn't rude she was pretty helpful and very sweet. She told me that I would be receiving the new phone within 5-7 business days, which was fine. So I finally received the phone and followed the directions that the associate gave me which was to take the phone to a UPS store and send it in with in 14 days. I sent the phone in on the 8th day and that very day I received a call from t mobile asking did the I send the phone in I then told the rep that the phone was already in the mail and they should be receiving it within a few days. He said that’s fine and good luck with the new phone Miss. * I said thanks and hung up.

So in Feb. 2008 I received my telephone bill just I would any other month except this bill had an account BAL of about 500 dollars. I was pissed because I had just paid almost 200 for the bill the month before. So I immediately called the phone company (t-Mobile) I called them almost every day and spoke with so many different associates until I realized that they weren't able to help me @ all. So I went to a few supervisors with the issue. “My phone bill is 500.00 and I just paid the bill last month, whets going on? They told me that they never received the old phone and they charged me the full balance for the phone (when they sent me the new phone all it was the phone no back, no new battery, no new sim card, no new charger, no ear piece, nothing but the phone) So I was really upset.

I asked them would it be fine if I pay the bill and the credit my money to my account. They told me NO - they never got the phone @ all. So now imp really upset. What you mean you never received the phone I took the phone to UPS as I was told and they gave me a receipt. T mobile told ME that I would have to look into the situation, I was very upset because now this is their problem they didn't do a thing. I went to the UPS store twice and they never had my phone. When they finally did find the package they exchanged my receipt and I didn't think of it at the time but they had put FEB's date on it making it look like I had just turned the package in.

I wasted 500.00 and so much gas, time and means trying to find out what was going on. I never had a late bill with t mobile and my phone has never been cut off. I feel like as a very valued customer of t mobile they could have done a little more. They could have notified me that they never got the phone, are called are anything (THEY HAVE THE NUMBER) but they didn't what they did was waited until the 30 days was up (because you have up to 30 days to return the product before they make you pay for it) but instead they just hit me with a 500.00 bill. The managers were very rude and not helpful at all. This one manager I think his name was Robert or Rob or something like that, he was suppose to text my phone after a few days (after he talked to the UPS store) he never texted. T mobile is full of *, so the * with them and everybody @ t mobile can go to *.

Company: T - Mobile
Country: USA
Site: t-mobile.com
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