Cox Communications
Ripoff the business that doesnt give a dam

Shops, Products, Services

I had account with cox in 1999. I moved in 2001 to another address. Cox was not offered in the new area so I returned equipment when I had service disconnected. I opened another account with cox in 2002.

June I was checking my credit report and there was a negative item from cox reported to a collection agent march for $150. I called cox to see what this account was for and was told this was for a box not returned when I moved in 2 1/2 years ago!

I was not told about this charge when I opened the new account in 2002. I never received anything in the mail from cox saying I still had thier equipment. If I would have known about this charge 2 years ago I would probably still have the reciept to show receipt for returned equipment and this could have been cleared up.

My mail from the old address was forwarded. I currently have an account in good standing for over a year now (which will be canceled in the next week). I pay about $140 a month for digital cable and high speed internet services. They reported this 150 charge to a collection agent without even letting me know I owed this! I am a good customer so I am wondering how they treat bad customers.

At this point I do not care if they find the equipment I returned or not.
What cox did to me in a nutshell.
They never let me know about the missing equipment.
They did not tell me about the charge when I opened a new account with them in 2002.
They sent in a collection on my account when I am current good customer of theirs.
I was told by cox it took so long to show on my credit because "sometimes these things take a while for us to find"

So far I have talked to 3 different reps who could do nothing.

I have spoken to a supervisor named "Derek" 623-594-9390 ex 4258 who has no customer service skills what so ever.
Stay away form Cox!!!

Company: Cox Communications
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Phone: 6235941000
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Cox Communications
Charges for Equipment already returned

Account goes straight from good standing to collection right after I cancelled service

Non-Returned Equipment

AT&T Uverse
Charged me for Equipment I returned on time

Charter Communications
Won't accept employee issued receipt

COX Communications
COX Communications collecting on bogus charges for so-called missing equipment!

ATTUVERSE HORROR STORY - all of the above and then some

Cox Communications
Ripoff sent me a collections bill for equipment already paid for

Charges customer of 6 years $80 to disconnect because equipment was replaced to fix a problem

Dish Network
Bogus charge for returning equipment 18 months late