Direct Tv
Direct tv installation group damaged my roof and instructed me to call my lawyer to make them fix it houston/national customer service texas nationwide

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DIRECT TV Customers... Beware of trusting Direct's Protection Plan. Try this for hiding behind bureaucracyand redtape. For weeks I have been wasting my personal resources attempting to secure repairs on damages caused by DIRECT TV sub-contractors. DIRECT TV Customer Service Agent (Autumn #2532), if that's a real person and number, told me that it is my responsibility to secure the repairs, or climb on the roof and take pictures to verify damge and because I signed a work order that work was completed by technician, I waive any rights that I may have in regard to the issue not being resolved at that time. She further tells me I am within my rights to contact my Lawyer if that's what I feel I need to do. Her supervisor (Dustin #255598) came on the line and told me that my complaint is "RIGAMORE" and he was not going to listen to it. I ask for his supervisor and he told me his supervisor would not be coming into the office for some entended period of time, i.E., leaving me with the impression that I would not be reaching him. All this is after DIRECT TV begged me to come back to them from my comfortable ATT U-verse, that works when it rains by the way, unlike the meantime, my roof is stilled not repaired, and the ugly peice of un-used metal is attached to my sub roofing, potentially causing further damage. Other contractors do not want to touch the job, because they run the risk of accepting liability for any additional damage that maybe caused.

Company: Direct Tv
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Phone: 8005315000
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