Comcast Cable
Inepptitude regarding SmartZone

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Sir; I am an IT person working for a medical center. I have been living at my current address for over 4 years now. I have had COMCAST for that period of time and I will tell you that if my Home infrastructure were not so tied into COMCAST I would tell you what you could do with it. I have had your tech guys (and I use that term loosely) come out to my house on more occasions than you can ever believe and they all say nothing is wrong but when they look at the packets that are being lost they say that it has to go back to the switch and nothing gets done.

One time did a good tech come out check the house and said nothing was wrong but he would check the pole. He went out and hooked up his computer and ping comcast somewhere and we could see the packets on the screen drop packet after packet and then he said he would have someone come out and check the repeater or signal booster at the end of the street.

Well guess what no different and I even had the high speed (what a laugh) internet for awhile till i grew very frustrated with paying you money for nothing. Then you folks have the audacity to limit us to 250G a month. Well let me now tell you the latest in this Comedy of errors. Comcast sent me an email to my other accout touting their new smart zone and that there would be absolutely no intervention for us the CUSTOMER (and I stress that word) to do and that if I may borrow an IT term SEAMLESS to us.

Well I have been trying for over 2 weeks to get into my email. I have called your folks to no avail and asked for online support again useless then I placed a call and the gentleman stated that yes that it seems the tests were not as bullet proof as originaly thought and that he would have someone call me within 24 hrs.

We also downloaded Adobe flash player, cleared out my Internet Explorer cache history cookies and anything he could think of thus have to make me renter alot of info later on, also rebooted the laptop and the pc and powered down the modem and powered it back on after about 2 minutes. I wish to inform you that I am a very easy going person but the straw has broken the camels back and PLEASE take note that I am filing with the City of Tallahassee and the FCC a formal complaint regarding the very unprofessional and untrained unqualified personnel that you have to which I probably if I tracked it back would find that it was a management issue.

You have put up an extremely buggie product have not owned up to the fact that there are problems have not pulled it back to find out why and fix it but yet you maintain your false advertiseing about you are here for the customer. (Yeh Right). I am also posting a copy on and YOu might some day when you have a moment look at you might find it very interesting especially in regards to Comcast.

Thank you for your time in reading this of which I am sure you will never read but some customer service person that will funnel it down to the local office. Sir take ownership for your blunders and start owning up to them publicly, treat customers as people not $ before people start going elsewhere.

Company: Comcast Cable
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tallahassee
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