Comcast gotcha coming and going the wrong way



First of all I think its pretty sad that comcast late due letters are dated to arrive 2 days after the (suspension & termination) id due to take affect.

Also I wish to know where the first notice is as this 1 is FINAL NOTICE BEFORE SUSPENSION AND TERMINATION OF SERVICE.

Also You contradict yourself in the online billing section.

Comcast says in the first paragraph that it takes 24 hours before transactions will show up, and at the bottom of the bill it says that online payments show up IMMEDIATELY.

Also I have had your techies over her to my residence at least 10 times due to my data being slow or none existant, I have reported this to the City of Tallahasse and they have had you out here and all you can say is it looks ok to us. Yae Right.

I am a Sr. Systems Programmer so I don't need to be fed a line. The last guy to come out wired his pc up to the line and tried to ping the server. We watched as data losses and and length of time increased exponentialy, He said someone would have to look at it outside. Still waiting for results.

I am only using comcast because my house is covered in trees. But as soon as i can get some of them down I will be going. You people have no sense of customer support. People on the other side of the phone are rude, don't care, don't want to hear it, and the sooner they can get rid of you the better. God help you if they put you on hold they never come back.

I am very sorry but this is the truth and as I know that getting this email to the CEO is slim to none, I guess this will have to do for now.

I would also appreciate it if my name be removed immediately from your sales mail outs as it will be a cold day before I even consider you folks for ALL in one service.

I also want to inform you that comcasts way of dealing with high usage internet is sad. I have leave my PC on all night as I work for a medical center and am on call 24/7 and it takes less time to get to my systems than it does from a cold start.

This eats up my limits as the communication packets back and forth eat up bytes that eat up meg that eat up gigs.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I will be posting this also on / as you will see if you search there are alot of folks that have complaints but I don't see any resolutions as if there is no concern, Comcast is to big for itself.

And charging what you do is a sad sad day for internet services.

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tallahassee
Address: 3760 Hartsfield Rd
Phone: 8505744000
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