Bad service

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Comcast's customer service is beyond useless. We have had Comcast internet and cable TV services for nearly a year now.internet because they are effectively a monopoly in Frederick County, VA, and cable TV since we had to get the internet.

In under a year we have had numerous issues. Yet it is not so much the issues that are the big issue, rather the extreme and utter lack of the ability to get a hold of anyone via phone at their first (or any other level by phone) line level of service that;

A. Appears to be educated much beyond the middle school level or perhaps didn't just step off the bus from the "hood"; and/or

B. Speaks English well or does not sound as if their cheeks are stuffed with cotton balls; and/or

C. Has any real insight on issues that are known to exist, even via Comcast field level confirmation.

In other words, good luck to anyone wishing to not waste a ton of their time in resolving issues at the first level... Not that the subsequent levels are any better. Seems to me that no one actually cares, even in their lofty "executive office" level, so get your knee pads out and get ready to genuflect before the almighty and holy Comcast employees!

In fact, with recent issues compounded, the field reps that came to resolve the issue explained to me exactly the opposite of what the first-line people have throughout the year, namely that the behavior of our television was not normal in spite of it having been the norm for nearly an entire year since we had to get service. So once again, yet another data point setting a perfect record of negligence and or complete worthlessness of their front-line "assistance."

As to any actual customer service, the customer service is so far removed from world class that it is more tantamount to second world status if even that quite frankly.

On the heels of that, I have found that the only resolution, whether the matter be small or large, is to have to drive approximately 15 miles to the nearest field office! And keep your praise-matt handy, because they won't give out the phone number there, even when they give you assurances that someone is coming out and they do not as happened yesterday with me, thereby completely wasting my afternoon and costing me valuable time and money.

They apparently have no trouble with me/you taking a hour out of your schedule by having to drive over there, to spend exactly as much time with you if not more because by then you're so pissed off and aggravated that they may have to listen to you vent, justifiably I might add, but for you to not waste your time and call, well, we/they can't have that now, can they.

I mean they can't have lowly peasant customers disturbing the work schedules of their low-end hourly employees even, how much less that anyone any higher than that within the organization and equipped to effectively handle the problem can be contacted within a reasonable amount of time. Forget the fact that I have yet to see either of the ladies in the foyer there look anything but miserable when I walk in never smiling or giving a visual that they are happy to help.

I could write pages, but suffice it to say that;

I am told by a field office rep that I have an appointment, which is confirmed by the Comcast voicemail system upon my calling there, yet the person I finally connect to says that there is no record of any appointment regarding Comcast's no-show;

I find out after the fact on at least two occasions now, that it is not "my equipment" that has errors, but in fact negligence in Comcast installation and boxes brought to us from the onset;

The only way I can effectively get help is to get in my car and in 1960's style customer service, actually drive to a location across the county, in the year 2008;

And when in hindsight and per the techs that just left, the issue now for nearly an entire year since we originated service, largely due to a lack of choice, with Comcast, that has been 1, an incorrect connection on the exterior of the building, and 2, a faulty box that has been problematic for the entire year, WHILE, their 800-COMCAST support has suggested, yea, insisted, that the service we have had is perfectly normal throughout the year,

... Well, are there any other reasons, although they exist, to entirely avoid using COMCAST if at all possible.


For Cable TV, check out Dish Network. Since Direct TV's sale years ago, we have found their customer service to have been no better than Comcast's.

For internet, while most cable providers seem to have somewhat a monopoly for all intents and purposes, wireless internet is bursting onto the scene however. Much in the way our cell phones work, so too, internet service is being established and coming online as towers continue to be put up for that purpose. It is certainly available in Frederick County, VA and will be expanding rapidly as well there.

While the cost is competitive, the service providers appear to be local thereby setting yourself up for the avoidance of the problems that I and others continue to experience with Comcast. The person providing you with customer service will likely be the local business owners or someone reporting directly to them. No doubt, if you have major issues, unlike the inability to even get a hold of someone at Comcast with a reasonable degree of cognizance as well as comprehension of English such that you don't have to repeat yourself a half-dozen times to no avail, you should be able to get to "the top" of your local wireless ISP with relative ease should the issues, customer service or technical, run beyond the routine.

Sattelite options for service exist, but if one is DirectWay from Direct TV, then no thanks. Not too sure about others.

I highly recommend one of those options first and foremost!

Company: Comcast
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
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Unacceptable service

Avoid them!

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