Direct TV
Bad service

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On August 29, Direct TV went into my checking account and withdrew $566.02. There was no authorization given to have this or any other amount automatically deducted.

I had recently cancelled my service and there was a last bill due. Apparently, the company had sent boxes to me so that I could return the receivers. However, I was not home at the time of the delivery so the boxes were left with a neighbor. I live in Georgia and at the time of the delivery, we were experiencing bad weather from Hurricane Fay. My elderly neighbor did not get me the boxes until after the storms.

Direct TV's stance has been because I did not return the boxes, in what they deem reasonable amount of time (2 week time frame of the delivery of the boxes and the withdrawal) they were within their rights to make the withdrawal from my account.

I called customer service and explained the situation. I was told the most quickest way to obtain a refund was to reactivate my service... Which I did. And I should get a refund within 3-5 business days. I called back today, 9/5/08 and was told that it would be 7-10 days before a DECISION was made and would have to wait even still for the actual refund.

I asked the rep if there was someone in the financial office that I could speak with and she advised me that there was not a telephone number for that department. That I could right to that department and wait 7-10 business day for a response but by then I should have a credit.

As a result of the unauthorized deduction, my checking account is currently $57.00 negative and I will not be able to pay my rent or purchase groceries until 9/15/08 for myself and 4 children. However, I was promptly billed $78.00 which is due on 9/18/08.

This hardly seems like customer service to me.

Company: Direct TV
Country: USA
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