Fedex Federal Express
Poor customer service

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Shipped a total of 3 cases with Fedex to Las Vegas for a show. All cases included audio/video and computer hardware needed at a large show. These same cases have been measured, built and custom ordered specifically for this broadcast equipment, since this is my business and lively hood. Also, these exact same cases have been shipped already numerous times with the same configurations or equipment inside to Las Vegas, New York and locally within Florida. I paid for full insurance of the equipment, packed this myself in my custom made cases (Anvil Wilson Cases). These special crates/cases have plenty of foam and cushion inside to prevent any damages to the equipment. I had one case with two flat panel monitors, additional foam and pop-up foam between both monitors for protection. I opened that case in Vegas and the back leg of my Apple monitor was completely ripped apart. Finger imprints on the monitor so the monitor screen itself got damaged by somebody that tried to rip this monitor out of the case. I managed with duck tape and good eyes (sight) to get threw the show. Came back and started my claim. Somebody came and took pictures, explanations of how everything was packaged etc. Approx. 2 weeks after I started the claim. 3 weeks after he came and took the report I got a call from somebody that couldn't tell me anything else but the "claim was denied". I asked for a manager and got to talk to Susan yesterday. Supposedly she "looked" into the case and report and again, also told me, that the claim is indeed denied because of a "lack of packaging". These cases are built only and specifically for this equipment. Somebody dropped or tried to rip these monitors out of the case and my claim is still denied. I asked her what I could possibly do next, this is my business, my small business and my lively hood. Not Susan's who works for Fedex claims where, it seems reading all these complaints online, ALL FEDEX CLAIMS ARE DENIED!!! Susan's advise was to write to the CEO, Mr. Dave Bronsack, directly, but since she supposedly reports and works directly under him or with him on these claims, I doubt that Mr. Bronsack, the CEO of Fedex, will have another solution for my claim. My damage is a $1,200 monitor for which I paid almost $500 to get this case shipped back and forth. What can I do next?

Company: Fedex Federal Express
Country: USA
State: Tennessee
City: Memphis
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