Stole My Money! Ripoff & Escondido

Shops, Products, Services

This is the brief version of how Sears stole my money.

I bought a rear projection TV at $999 on sale, plus tax and delivery, at the El Cajon, CA Sears. I paid for the TV with my bank debit card, a charge of over $1100.

After delivery, I found out the TV was too big for my living room. I called Sears and was told I could either pay another delivery charge to have it picked up and then yet another fee to get a smaller TV, or choose a different TV and have the old one picked up when the new one was delivered.

I chose option B and returned to the store to pick a new TV. Nothing was available in the rear projection, and, after more hassle involving trips to a Sears outlet store, searching the internet and calling around, I drove up to Escondido to get the only 42 rear projection TV available at Sears in the western hemisphere.

Again, the employees debited my account, this time for $899 plus tax and delivery.

Long story goes in here wherein I get lots and lots of runaround from Sears and Sears delivery warehouses about how and when I'm gonna get my money back for the 46 TV they picked up when the 42 TV was delivered.

Finally get fed up after Christmas and call Sears El Cajon electronics department yet again to find a national complaint number. I'm told there is no such thing. So I go online to find any national number at all, which of course, is the credit division!

I ask why there's no complaint line and am told, well, of course there is, whereupon I am connected with a rude expletive deleted who has the audacity to tell me I need to take responsibility for waiting so long to get my money back. She said she would have yelled and screamed, and never have let anyone tell her she would have to wait to get her money back. I said she and I are different people. Then she informed me there was nothing she could do to help me.

Now I know to call Sears National Customer DIS-Service if I want abuse.

This angered me enough to lose my renowned patience.

I drove to the El Cajon store where one man decided to listen to me and review my evidence and decided to try to help me. He got the runaround, too, which consists of the warehouse claiming they have no records after 3 months ever and needing the sales receipt. When my guy produced both sales receipts, and called the Escondido store, the employee on the other end of the line maligned my character, suggesting I was trying to pull some sort of criminal act, which, to this moment, I cannot fathom.

Seriously, I cannot figure out how the tables got turned on me wherein Sears, by virtue of expletive deleted representatives on the phonenever to my face, mind youassume that I am some criminal who has created a way to fabricate TV purchases for which I never received a refund on which I am trying to collect using verifiable information.

My only question to this offensive slander is: why oh why would I think so small as $1100 and change from Sears if I'm such a criminal genius? I should be in politics, at least a lobbyist if I'm that good.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Poor wonderful guy who tried to help me got no satisfaction either. He apologized profusely and I told him I was resigned to the fact that a huge company like that canand willdo whatever it wants. He and I agreed that some accountant will find the excess $1100 in the books but will just assign it to overage or some such thing that boils down to me never getting my money back because SEARS STOLE MY MONEY!

Company: Sears
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Cajon
Phone: 6195932800
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