Hollywood Video
Refused to exchange defective game, emlpoyee lies

Shops, Products, Services

I bought a used game from hollywood in late 2005. It didn't work so i brought it back to the store to exchange. The store had a very small selection and didn't have the same game i had originally purchased so i decided to exchange it for a couple movies instead.

While i was making my selection, a store employee approached me and asked when i had purchased the game. I told him it was a few months ago, maybe 3 or 4, but i wasn't sure. He nodded and walked away.

I went to the counter w / my movies and a different employee told me he couldn't do the exchange b/c i purchased the game more than 3 months ago. I asked him how he knew when I purchased it, and he told me he checked my acct. LIAR!!! He didn't even know my name so he couldn't have!!! I left, w/out my game or my hollywood video card b/c i told them to keep the broken game and gave them my card to cut up.
Goodbye hollywood video... Forever...

Company: Hollywood Video
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Ana
Address: 2407 S Bristol St
Phone: 7147516557
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