Company denies free incomming text messaging. The aggreement stated that text messaging was free. Company shows non commitment to customer

Politics & Government

Company now denies free incomming text messaging. The aggreement I signed stated that text messaging was free. I verbally made sure it was from the employee, still, the company shows non commitment to customer and is another typical example of how greed is in and how "service" is no longer an honored thing here in the USA.

A true story:
I had a close friend die recently and he had sent me a last message before he was gone, my phone messages were not stored for me to return to because my minutes had unknowingly expired. After I had traveled to the State where my friend was and while I was at the viewing I turned it back on, the messages was gone forever. I was hoping to share it with all because it ws the last thing he did.
Last words gone forever!
Contracural violations like this do hurt people!

I for one as a consumer hope that YOU as a decision maker in your company, never deny your customer.
People nowadays do not realize how they hurt others by changing the terms of an established contract wether it is verbal or written, it should be your "HONOR" to never change what you have already promised.

It never matters that the company actually warns it's customers of an increased text messaging fee, it WAS a contract was it not?
Do your job t-mobile make your dollar!

Company: T-mobile
Country: USA
State: Utah
City: Salt Lake City
Phone: 8774531304
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