James glover ion construction
Consumer Report


He used amazon as a front cover to get me to wire funds to London on behalf of amazon as the middle guy to hold funds until items arrived and was inspected, called amazon not a easy task, to verify item number after i noticed after searching item, no item would show up, and they confirmed there was no item. Called bank to stop wire transfer but it was completed so i requested them to sent a recall they did have to wait 3-5 days now worrying thank you for your time michael

Company: James glover ion construction
Country: USA
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Amazon.com Sold 1 Item on Amazon... Was prompt, polite & truthful all the way through. Amazon cancels my account and reserves $1,100 for 90 days without reason. Oakland

Amazon.com, Inc
Amazon refuses to release funds even when they cancel an orde

Don't ever sell on amazon.com you will regret it Tallahassee

Arthur Kirkland
Consumer Report

Price Pros Amazon
Amazon Price Pros Failed to ship order, said order shipped, no refund, charged $120 for shipping

Trade-In Store is more like never-see-it-again store - Customer Service

Amazon.com Rips Sellers off DO NOT SELL THERE

Rips off its sellers with amazon.com payment scam

Sells refurbished / USED products as NEW

Amazon Amazon refuses refund of CC charges when they can see item was misaddressed by selle