Internet Order LLC
Consumer Report


I placed an order for 10.98 for a Pinsler Spanish course on cd's. I received 4 cd's in the mail. They just sent me a bill for 256.00 dollars saying my credit card was declined. I never authorized them to charge 256.00 dollars to my account. They are claiming I received more than I paid for. I did not they can have their 4 cd's back and return my 10 dollars.

Company: Internet Order LLC
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
ZIP: 19103
Address: 1600 John F Kennedy Boulevard, 3rd Floor
Phone: 8662047139, 8884606933
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CCA First National Credit Services
Tricked and lied to us victimized many consumers

MWI Connections
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Direct TV
Billing customer service extra fees
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Ripped me off w/the bill, lied and took money from bank account Mauk

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Capital One
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EGlobal Electronics
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AT&T Local Telephone Service
At&t blatently lied to me about how much our monthly bill would be. Our bill was supposed to be 45 and it's been three months and we've paid out hundreds
Is a fraud