T Mobile
Consumer Report


I am a T-mobile customer. I have four lines with family plan. I have 1500 min and text. Also one of my line has unlimited web access. I went to Canada Niagara Falls 07/23 - 07/25. I spoke with my phone just one time but my internet was on all time. When arrive to NY I start to get message from t-mobile about roaring. I got billing massage today from t-mobile. I was paying for everything around 183.00 now they billed me 1,182.00$. I shocked. Then I called them I spoke with them around one hour but they didn't solve my problem. They want this much money just for two days internet. I told them I cant pay that.

Company: T Mobile
Country: USA
State: New Mexico
City: Albuquerque
ZIP: 87176
Address: Executive Customer Relations, P.O. Box 37380
Phone: 8008662453, 4253784000
Site: tmobile.com
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T-Mobile Wireless
T-Mobile changed my plan without my consent. Took away features, did not grandfather in my plan. Claimed my plan did not exist

T-Mobile Undisclosed Internet Fee Rip Off

T-Mobile USA
Fraud and lies!

Mislead about phone plan Denton

I never allowed my contract to change over and they did it anyways

False advertising/truly NOT unlimited internet

"system" does not allow for things they verbally promise

T Mobile
T - Mobile charged me the text messages which when I called in to complained about this. Because I did not open the text message. They told me that that is the way it is and this is third party charge


T - Mobile
Unlimited internet is not unlimited sign on with tmobile