Bank of America
Adam Herson, Manager of BA Bank of America Showed I owed $86,828.42 after I have Short Sold my house


I lost my job due to a car accident in Dec was disabled for 4 months and decided to ask Countrywide who owned both 1st and 2nd mortgage to approve a Short Sale. The Negotiator of Countrywide Adam Herson accepted the Short Sale with a condition that the Short Sale will only be approved if the escrow closed and that there will be no deficiency judgment against us will be pursued. The escrow closed, we have a letter and copies of email flrom the Negotiator that the balance of $190,000 is cancelled. Last Year I have checked my Bank of America online and found out that Bank of America added to my account aciatn account called
Mortgage 5013 showing this balance. Of $86,828.42 as owed. As of this day, this shows as owed.
See how it showed online.

Account Balance

Mortgage-5013 $86,828.42

I called Bank of America but was referred to one number to another, I have written letters to then Ceo Ken Lewis but no responsed. I have emailed my previous negotiator, Adam Herson adam. and this is his response.

March 10 12:37: 42 AM GMT 00:00
Hello Angela,

I am sorry to hear about your health issues. I will again make a request to post sale processing to correct this and show the balances as zero.

Thank You

Adam Herson
MLO-Servicing Team Manager
805-578-6932 (Phone)

I have cataracts, osteoporosis, asthma, GERD and didnt have insurnance because Kaiser terminated my medical coverage due to co existing disabilities. I am now in pain due to frozen shoulder and has not recovered since Dec. Your help is greatly appreciated, thank you.

Company: Bank of America
Country: USA
State: California
City: Simi Valley
Address: 400 Countrywide Way
Phone: 8055786932
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