Verizon constantly over charged and perpetual liars


Our bill has been incredibly high for over a year now. Nothing has changed to our plan accept for an addition of a blackberry which we understand costs an extra $30 per month. However our bill went from $109 per month to $190 per month and sometimes higher. We've gone over our bill many times to figure out what all the extra charges are from. We even called the company and went up to our local store and no one could give us an answer and kept changing the subject to something other then what we were trying to get information about. Finally we signed up for their online option to pay bills so we could get an Itemized look at our bill (since it is not clear on the paper bill) and we had charges for services we never signed up for. We called back and told them to take the charges off.

We double checked to see if the items were removed on our online account and they were. We then received our next bill and it was high yet again. To make a long story short they kept putting on services we didn't purchase, so now we have to call them just about every month to remove it.

On top of all of that trouble our 2nd phone they sent us sucked, the battery wont stay charged. The battery has been replaced twice yet we still have the same problem. Verizon refuses to give us a new phone and says that we'd have to pay $50 to replace it.

In addition to that we finally saw a steady bill for a few months and even over paid at some points to keep our bill low. So we went ahead to get a laptop from them which included the data plan of $39 per month. Seemed reasonable to me since I used most of my internet at home through our wireless router so I figured I wouldn't go over the data usage plan considering the fact that I didn't have to sign onto the VZ access manager to use internet at home. I then got a call from verizon saying I've gone over my data plan and I would have to upgrade to the $59 per month. I was very upset about this and when I explained to the woman over the phone that I never used the internet out side my home and it was not told to me that I had to pay to use free wireless internet. I do know how laptops work... There is a wireless card in most laptops, and I know verizon puts in a data card which allows internet access when the wireless card cannot locate wireless service. My understanding was that I was to be charged for using the Data card installed in the laptop which I had to sign in to inorder to use. I hadn't used it at all that month. They continued to argue with me and kept repeating the same thing over and over "I apologize but you went over your data plan, there is nothing that I can do accept upgrade your plan to $59 permonth" I agreed, then later went to the store I purchased the laptop from and confronted them about it. They then refunded $20 and returned by account back to our original agreement. I also ripped out the data card in my laptop and will only put it back in when I travel. So I am still able to use the wireless internet in my home without being over charged for it.

We finally received our bill and it went from $109 per month, with the laptop it should have been around $150 per month.instead our bill was $298. I honestly cant wait till this contract is over. We will never return to verizon. I shouldn't have to continually call and complain about charges that shouldn't be there. I have other things to worry about.

Sorry this was so long. I have more complaints about them but I will save it for my next report.

Company: Verizon
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Neptune
Address: 701 Bingham street
Phone: 7322456557
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