Target Store
Target Discriminatory, Lies, Harrassment, Unfair


I am another ex-employee of Target. I once worked for Target and like all the other complaints filed yes this company doesn't plan on keeping their employees.

I recently got hired at Target and like other reports my job ended before my probationary period was up.

I remember being pulled in one day from my register by Team Lead Misty Byland to see the ETL for guest services Jessica Wall to ask me about some gum. "She ask me if I remember ringing up some gum for. 02 from last week."

I told her I couldn't remember ringing up gum for. 02 from the last week. I was thinking the whole time who could remember ringing up gum from the previous week. We have so many customers.

Then she goes on stating that I did and she has to remind me about the 15.00 range is what we have when pricing items without a price. She never once showed me anything where I could see that I had done this err in pricing.

And why would she ask me about this. 02 gum that "she says I rung up if she has it on paper.

When we take our breaks. GSA Kylie states to us to turn our lights off 5 min before our breaks then go to break.

So thats what I did for my break. Then I get pulled to the side by Misty Byland and was told that we have to tell the GSA when we are going on breaks.

I told her that Kylie told us to turn off our lights 5 mins before our breaks and then go to break. So Misty tells me that I can't do that. She says notify the GSA. I say what if we can't find them she notify the GSA.

I say once again what if we can't find them because we are at register and can't walk the floor searching for them. She finally says with a big huff "Tell Guest Service to tell GSA There are times when I have work 7 hours and I was suppose to get a two 15min breaks and only got one 15 min break.

The board clearly states when working at least 7 and fewer than 11 hours we are to get two 15 min breaks and a 30 min lunch. I was also brought in about mocking an employee at the store which was not true by Kim Bond GSA to Robin Kunkel in HR and Amanda Stevens with Logistics.

She totally called me a liar and took the other girl side to the story. I said to her if there was a problem that the girl has with me how come we could work it out between me and her. She would'nt even give me the girl's name and she states that I acted very rude to other employees.

I said this is the first time I have heard of this and who are these people? Once again she wouldn't tell me who these so called employees were. Like I said I told her I haven't never heard of this she says "Now You Have". Then threaten to terminate me if this happen again.

Robin Kunkel is very rude with the way she talks to people she thinks that her HR position allows her to talk to people anyway she wants to. She came to me one day when I was writing down my schedule and very rudely says "Are You Ready To Start Work" I told her no because its too early.

She says very rudely "Who Are You?" I proceed to tell her that my ride got me here to early and I'm writing down my schedule and then I leaving. She knows that we don't have to start early if we don't want to but she likes to bully people along with Amanda Steven with Logistics.

They also have a swap list where if you can't get the day off that you want thenyou can put it on they list and someone can signup to swap your shift. But if no one signsup for it then you have to work your shift.

For some people that use that swap sheet if no one signup for it then they start calling people at home as early as 8:00 am even when you have work a late shift and are trying to sleep.

Oh yeah the store manager Deb Pease doesn't care about employees because one of the times that I was suppose to get my second 15 min break I informed Deb Pease and she said "we can fix that".

Well she never did I had to go to GSA Melissa and tell her about the company policy about the two 15 min breaks thats posted on the board.

About at least 7 hours and fewer than 11 hours. She said would look at the board and see if that was true. She did come back and let me have another 15 min break. I said she should know about this already since she said she has been with this company for 2 years.

Also one night it was slow and Kim Bond was the GSA that night. And Jimmy was the ETL over Hardlines he tells them over the walkies that they could let some people go home early. Well it was only two people at the registers Susan who is white and myself African American.

Kim goes over to Susan and tells her that she can go home early. I said how can she go home early when i got hear before her and you didn't even ask me. She says that we can fight over who can go home.

I told her no I said since you have already told her that she can go home then let her go. But the way you did it was unfair. This company needs to be investigated!!!

Company: Target Store
Country: USA
State: Missouri
City: Jefferson City
Address: Stadium Blvd
Phone: 5736359518
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