First Franklin Home Loan Services
Stalled our short sale and kept increasing the sale price until the buyer was unable to buy it. First Franklin said they wanted it to be a foreclosure and not a short sale Pittsburgh


First Franklin foreclosed on us when we were trying so hard to have a short sale. We were approvedfor the short sale and we had a buyer. They kept raising the price until the buyer was unable to buy it. We had 3 seperate closing dates.

I was rudly treated. They didn't care about our situation and made this take so long. It was almost a year. One of there Supervisors told me they would rather have us foreclose than have a short sale. They then told me that it would be better for the bank for the bank bail out. I was told my short sale info. Was shredded. He then continued to hang up.

We did everything they told us to do. I had a realtor who has dealt with this before. She knew the ropes and what was needed. We never spoke to the same person and the notes that were in the computor were wrong all the time. They claimed they never received our paperwork so we would send the info over and over.

I have contacted the Attourney General, Governor, Senators, Occ, FTC, Federal Reserve and filed a complaint with First franklin

This will follow us for the next 7 years on our credit. What I want is for First Franklin to take this off our Credit.

The Attourney General will be looking into this and I will not rest until I get it removed.

Company: First Franklin Home Loan Services
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: Po Box 1271
Phone: 9703311460
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