Practices Fraudulent Billing Policy New York new york


I signed up for a free 30 day trial for an amazon store. My computer broke down & I didn't list anything before the 30 days was over. I was billed for a new month, which is understandable. I then cancelled my Seller Acct immediatly. Then got an email saying they were unsuccessful in charging me another month (because my card was maxed out) I sent them a reply to say I cancelled my acct & shouldn't have to keep paying. They replied to say there's no record of my cancelling. So I went there again to cancel & it followed by a page saying it was confirming that.

I got another email saying they were once again unsuccessful in billing my card for a new month, so I cancelled my credit card & got a new one. My mistake was that later on, I bought from a few sellers on amazon with my new card. The purchase went through smoothly. But since then, no purchase can be completed. There's alot of good sellers on there that would appreciate my money, but amazon won't let the transaction go through.

I began to wonder if they do not allow me to complete a transaction until I pay off the bogus charges from them. So I went to my acct to see if there's any indication of that & they have my new card on record, along with the one I cancelled, showing the last 4 digits. Apparantly they got that info from when I bought something. Can they do that?! They do not give a way of removing the card information, only a way of adding another card. SO I'm cancelling this card also.

Country: USA
State: Nationwide
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Amazon Seller Account
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Amazon Prime
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