Amazon And Their Merchants
Have a scam going! Little rock arkansas

Internet & Web

I have been doing business with amazon for a little while without any problems. That has changed and my opinion on amazon has changed.

I ordered a brand new and sealed dvd set from a merchant off amazon. After you read the advertisement and make the purchase for what was advertised, getting the ball rolling so to speak. Well there is no way to go back and check the advertisement once that item is ordered. The dvd set I got from the vendor off amazon advertised as new, was used and didn't work. I know for a fact I ordered new because that's the only way I buy dvds, unless its rare and out of circulation. This isn't this case for this set.

So, I email amazon and the seller to tell them what happened and to get a refund. I also went back and read the reviews on this seller and to my dismay there is a person who bought from this seller that never even got his package.

Well, no response from the seller and I waited four days before firing a nasty email again to the seller, still no repsonse.

Amazon emails me back the first day letting me know that they are sorry and they have put in a refund request with their a-z guarantee with a disclaimer that says most refunds are approved in two weeks. TWO WEEKS!!!? Did it take that long to charge my credit card!?

It hasn't quite been two weeks so they still have the benefit of a doubt, so I will keep you posted! But the fact that this seller got my money and amazon will just reimburse me angers me. Amazon even wants me to ship the non working dvd set back to the seller... MY!

How can amazon knowingly allow a corrupt seller to continue to sell? ANSWER: AMAZON IS IN ON IT AND CORRUPT AS WELL. The money I will lose on this transaction is under 100 dollars but if they do this to a million people... THAT's a fortune!

Since this bad experience I came here to and oh my god. The amount of negative reports on amazon are incredible! I'm cancelling my credit card with them and removing my account. I don't care if the people reporting the negatives on amazon are right or wrong. The sheer number that I have all ready read are SCARY... What the hell is our government doing about this crap!?

In retrospect, i will now copy and paste all advertisements so I have proof of what was advertised. I will also read and pay more attention to reviews of sellers. AND FIRST AND FOREMOST I WILL COME TO to see whats available on the company I intend to do business with! Remember if it sounds too good to be true it is! DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT, REPORT THEM ON!

Company: Amazon And Their Merchants
Country: USA
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Seller: Andrew Galeucia Scam's you with a fake escrow account with Amazon
Consumer Report

I been selling on amazon almost a month now i have 4010.01 amazon block my account and steal my mney
Ripoff cancel orders without buyer permission

I do believe they use at least one alias, but not sure of the name it is under. They sell books through amazon. ComCompany is a scam and Amazon allows this to go because they make a hefty profit from this unethical selle, Inc
Awful, SLOW Service, NO support - TEXT BOOK
Benefits from stolen goods
Consumer Report
They do not care about sellers
Amazon is complicit with their fraudulent sellers. Will not process a refund rerquest if seller says they shipped