Kroger Grocery Store
Kroger Plano Store Kroger Steals from their Customers to add more Profits to the bottom line


Have you ever purchased items that you never received from a company? While this happened to me at Kroger. It is a legal way for them to steal from their customers. When this happened, I called the store. Immediately, I was told it was to late. I was told any items left (by customers) they have to put the items back on the shelves. Even if they are paid for by the customer. It is getting harder to put groceries on our table. On August 5, I purchased $190.86 for a total of 63 items from the Kroger Plano Texas store. It has been 24 days since Kroger stole my money/items. I have telephoned their store five times with no progress. I have the receipt along with names etc. It is no longer about the items or money ($20) they stole. I want to make sure this does not happen to anyone else.

I took my cart to the cashier. The cashier rang up my groceries. The bagger bagged my groceries then put them into the cart. I paid for the groceries and asked for assistance (I am disabled). The same bagger took my cart and put the bags into my car. My Husband put my groceries on my kitchen counter. Later, I realized several items were missing (my Granchidren's items). I found the receipt. I verified, I paid for those items. Immediately, I telephoned the number on the receipt. I explained, I paid for the items missing and did not receive them. The employee told me it was to late. I said why? She said all items left are returned back to stock. I asked what do you mean? She repeated, "any items left are returned back to stock". I said even if a customer pays for it? She said yes. She said this is company policy. I could not believe what I was hearing. I asked for the General Manager or Manager on Duty. She said no one was there until tomorrow morning. I asked to speak to someone in charge. She asked me to hold. I was on hold for several minutes. Finally, I hung up and called again. I spoke to the person on duty. I explaind, I could not believe what I was told. I said, what a great way to add profits to the bottom line (P&L). He did not respond or deny this. He asked if he could have the General Manager (G.M.) call me back. I said yes. I gave him all the info.including the receipt info etc. Days went by and still no returned telephone call Kroger. I then telephoned and spoke to the G.M. He told me he was just reading the message. I told him what happened, including their restocking of customers groceries. Again, he did not deny this was a company policy. He did promise he would have these items taken to for pick up to the closest Kroger. I gave him all the information he requested (numbers on the cashier, receipt, etc.). A few days later he called and left a message. When, I returned his call he asked if there was certain items (which I was not familiar with nor were they on my receipt) on my receipt. I told him no. Again, he asked for the info. On the receipt. He said he would have to call me back. I am still waiting! Finally, I emailed corporate and received a response. I have attached their response at the bottom. I would like to break down their response. It states "It is not our practice to purposely withhold purchased groceries from customers to increase profits". What it says is; they do not deny they withhold customers groceries just not for profits. But they do hold on to customers groceries. So, is it to add the numbers to shrinkage, theft, etc? How do they include the groceries they steal from their customers on their P&L (profit & loss statement)/inventory? They only state just not for profit. The fact is they withhold groceries from customers. Let's take it one more step forward; if you want any Kroger discounts you have to apply for a Kroger the application it requires your mailing address etc. Why did they not attempt to contact their customers? They purposely keep the groceries from their customers. It is the legal way they can get away with stealing groceries from their customers. I will not become their victim ever again. We can make the difference. Pass the Word.

Dear Ms. Keith:
Thank you for contacting Kroger. I appreciate you taking the time to share your recent and subsequent experiences
with our Plano location. I apologize that management has not contacted you as promised. I assure you that it is not
our practice to purposely withhold purchased groceries from customers to increase our profits. I have shared your
email with the regional office for review and follow up.
Thanks again for bringing this to our attention.
Dawn Arsenault
Consumer Affairs
Reference: 5598299

Kroger steals from customers
Garland, Texas

Company: Kroger Grocery Store
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Plano
Address: 3305 North Dallas Parkway
Phone: 9726084698
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