Dr®.net no refund after ripoff


I was foolish enough to sign up for a "free trial" offer to look at some PDF files regarding Google, Ebay etc. The files never downloaded properly, and I was unable to discover the phone number of the company involved. Seven days later to the minute, my account is charged $59.90 with the description DRI*REG.net REGNET ORD. Coregnetord. COMMN.

Notice: no phone number. Commonly, charges to my debit include a way to reach the company. Out of the gobbledy-gook I did find an online report at complaint that gave me a phone number of 800-595-3986. When I phoned them, they claimed to be unable to find my account. I was skeptical.

I emailed them with my info and followed up with another call. They again claimed to be unable to find my account, but told me that they would send me a refund by check within three weeks. After it did not arrive I called AGAIN, and this time was told by a CSR that the refund amount "wasn't one of theirs" and was a REG.net account. She gave me an entirely different number for REG.net. 800-999-2734.

I called REG.net immediately, they found my account right away. However, because I had not responded within fourteen days of my "order" I would not be eligible for a refund. I spoke with a manager, Sandra, explaining that it was their own caginess in making their number so hard to find that led to the delay, but she was adamant.

The "Terms of Agreement" box which I checked had their contact information and the instructions on how I needed to contact them if I had any problems withiin fourteen days. The fact that theswe terms, along with any clue as to the identity of the company, disappear forever once you have checked the box was of no concern to her.

Company: DRI*REG.net
Country: USA
State: Minnesota
City: Eden Prairie
Phone: 8009992734
Site: http:/reg.net
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