Your Top Brands
Did not fulfill contract


I fulfilled my obligations for the $500 American Express gift card the contract it states 6 - 8 weeks. I completed this in December. I have contacted them numerous times and keep getting the story that they are "experiencing delays".

The last contact with them was on April 2 reference number LTK14303325307x stating that I am on the December shipping list. The shipping department is processing the Aug/Sep shipping list at this time. It will be quite a while yet before they order the

This is bogus and a scam. I fulfilled my obligations on time, so should they.

Company: Your Top Brands
Country: USA
Phone: 8773127263
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BoatsExpress Inc Bait and Switch - Company does not honor signed contracts deceptive advertising
Profiteering during holidays and stalling shipping

Disney Movie Club
It's impossible to find out who is in charge at this company and complain or get resolution

Incentive Reward Center
Ripoff They actually fulfilled their obligation Amazing

National Darts
Khgear - kyle Hove Total and complete ripoff. Avoid at all costs

Cratefurniture - Homespun Fabrics
Dishonest, Unresponsive, No Morals, No Obligations, No Business Ethics, No Etiquette

First Data Merchant Card Processing
Aka Merchant Services (for Wells Fargo Bank NA) Sales Rep Terry White (offered Through Sam's Club) changed processing offer, changed contract after signature And Hagerstown, MD and Maryland
Runaround ripoff company

Readers Digest
ReadersDigest stimulated me to sign up for free gifts and then stated billing

Orange Crest Realty — Ronald Shade, President
Orange Crest Realty - Ronald Shade, President renaged on its contract with me and owes me the $50,000 I originally invested plus $750/mo interest since February