BoatsExpress Inc Bait and Switch - Company does not honor signed contracts deceptive advertising

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Boat Express
Once the shipping contract is signed they:
Will not issue a credit for deposit, even if they cannot fulfill their contractual obligations
Do not provide shipping insurance even through both the WEB site and contract clearly state they do.
Provide fall information about location of shipping truck
Threaten large fees ($500per day) for delays but cannot track or locate their trucks
Force drivers to break the law in number of hours driven per day
Pass charges onto customers out side of the negotiated contract and threat to seize boats if new fees are not wired directly to their accounts
Try to increase costs by 50% after the contract is signed

Company: BoatsExpress Inc
Country: USA
Address: 19119 Rogers Road
Phone: 8139208200
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Boats Express aka Specialty Shipping Inc, Specialty Shipping, Boats Express, Inc contract fraud, fact misrepresentation, bait and switch

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