Disney Movie Club
It's impossible to find out who is in charge at this company and complain or get resolution

Internet & Web

I have been trying for OVER 1 year now to get resolution to my problem with Disney Movie Club and their business practices.

I fulfilled my obligation of ordering movies with their club. Before any of this started, I already made a decision that I would NEVER do this again and that it's a complete ripoff. This has confirmed my decision for sure.

I called the customer service number on their website and talked to someone in April named Ben. I kept getting bills for a balance due of $66.79 that was actually charging me for the movies I didn't order to fulfill my membership. Problem with this is that I already HAD fulfilled. He walked me through my account and he even made the determination that I did fulfill the obligations.

For some reason he transferred me to someone else who then told me I HAD NOT fulfilled my contract. Mixed messages and inconsistency is what you can count on with this company.

She promised to send me out a letter that laid everything out for me. I received a letter that said NOTHING about anything but that I still had an outstanding balance.

Frustrated and without any place to turn, I wrote a letter to Bob Chapek, President of Walt Disney Home Entertainment and a copy of that letter to Bob Iger, CEO of Walt Disney Company on 5/10/07.

To this DATE (January) I have yet to receive any response or communication back from either, their office or a someone else within the organization.

Disney has been losing it's appeal to me for a long time and this doesn't help. Walt Disney is turning over in his grave looking at what this company has become today. Wasn't it about dreams and not about ripping people off?!!

Company: Disney Movie Club
Country: USA
Site: disneymovieclub.com
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