Kim Logan
This man hired our co. To do work for him, gained our trust, added work and then refused to pay for it


Mr. Kim Logan asked our Co. To give him an Estimate for drywall work. The estimate was for $3,500.00. He asked for an Estimate also for paint and our estimate was for $400.00, he asked for estimates sighting things might change. Nearing the end of the drywall job which with all the time added up was already at the estimated amount of $3,500.00 and about to go over closer to $4,000.00 about $500.00 more, after gaining our trust he asked for some additional work to be perfomed, Carpentry work and also buffaloed us into starting a whole new invoice for the carpentry work and closeing out the Invoice for drywall.

By this time trusting him the estimate for the custom carpentry work he added was "possibly over $2,000.00" he agreed to this and then when the work was done he refused to pay, he threw a check for the balance on the drywall job and and a document he had printed out of his computer in my husbands face and started calling him a bunch of Bleep Bleep words and acting very volatile and threatening and we ended up in small claims against him wherby he made up a false invoice and filed a false counterclaim sighting we owed him money and the case was ordered into mediation.

Because we did not have it in writting that he had agreed to the extra work, this ordeal ended up costing us more money than it would have been worth to have just cut our losses and stayed as far away from this guy as possible. This man also accused my husband of committing FORGERY for writting the words in different penmanship mind you above the notaion in the memo box that Mr. Logan had written paid in full. The words my husband wrote were for drywall only. This man harrassed us threw Emails and was just a potty mouthed con artist who took us big time for being trusting.

Company: Kim Logan
Country: USA
State: Colorado
City: Longmont
Address: 1050 Hover St
Phone: 3036516926
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