Correctional Billing Services, everham
Ripoff obscene predatory monolopy victimizes inmates and poor families


How's this for another scam? You can't use the phone or a computer to request a refund form this predatory company.

I tried to e-mail "correctional billing services" P.O. Box 1010, Selma AL
36702. They automatically reject ALL e-mail

Kim Smith
huntsville, AL 35810
908 350 790 487 59

On Sunday, March 20 My wife tried to call me from the Lawrence county Jail, Moulton AL, and a representative from your company helped me set up an "account" so my wife could call home.

The call she tried to make; did not go thru, your "service" does not even work.

I attempted to make telephone contact with your company today, March 21 to have my master card credited for the $25.00 you charged me. However there are no menu options in your automated answering service to speak with a representative.

My wife is home now and I have no further use for your predatory "service".

$33.00 for a 15 minute call that would only cost me less than $1.00 is obscene.

Your "service" prevents 80% of the inmate population from having any contact with their own families.

Your monopolistic predatory business model is a contributing factor to the recitivisim rate due to the isolation these prohibitive costs inflict on the poor families who do not have the means to pay these obscene rates.

Your telephone contact number provides no means of speaking with a representative when a refund is in order, nor do any of the menu choices provide a means of seeking a refund. Most of the people your "service" victimizes do not have computers to contact you. Your "service" is apparently set up to discourage the request for a refund.

That fact is patently immoral and reprehensible.

I demand that my mastercard account be credited for the $25.00 you charged me for a worthless service I no longer need.

I promise you that thousands of people will be reading this as well. Also: further action WILL be taken to cause as much damage to the reputation of your "service" as I can do in a lawful manner.

Company: Correctional Billing Services, everham
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Selma
Address: P.O. Box 1010
Phone: 8008446591
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