Correctional Billing Services/everham
Correctional Billing Services ripoff for nonexisten services

Shops, Products, Services

This was my second attempt to collect a refund due to me for a predatory "service" that is apparently non-existant.

Their telephone contact number presents you with a computerized menu that provides no means of speaking with a "customer service representative" nor does it provide a means of obtaining refunds or credits for unused calling time.

All of my attempts via e-mail are "bounced" by their system.

They purposely take your money. Provide no service. Then make it impossible to get your money back.

I have reported them to the IRS, the state and Federal Attorney Generals offices, the Governer and the media.

Do not fall for their scam. You will never have contact with anyone who is incarcerated thru this phony "service" All you will do is lose your money.

If you have been ripped off contact me through the rebuttal key or through the editor of this site so we can help seek a class action when enough people have told their story about these liars and thieves.

Company: Correctional Billing Services/everham
Country: USA
State: Alabama
City: Selma
Address: P.O. Box 1010
Phone: 8008446591
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