The Cowboy Junkie
Cowboy Junkie made me a JUNK HALTER


This person/co advertizes custom, handpainted horse tack made to order. I just bouught new horse so decided special halter was in order. I tried to use the online order form but couldn't find the design I wanted so assumed it was a special order. I called the number given on the webpage and someone named Farel answered and said the normal folks were out but she would help. I described what I wanted - it was a swirl pattern over the noseband painted in browns, tans and black. That I had not seen it on the website but a pic of one was posted on one of the facebook sale pages. She said she thought she knew what I was talking about, it was called Damask. Damask pattern is not shown on the halter page so I took her word for it. Said I wanted a BLACK rope halter with the painted noseband and BLACK LACING. She said they were out of black but could do BROWN LACING so I said that would work. She read the order back, I gave her me name, address and credit card info to be charged $69 incudes shipping.

On July 3, my halter arrived. I just about had a heart attack when I pulled it out of the package. I had seen this exact halter on her facebook page and hated it. It is a BROWN ROPE HALTER W/GOLD STRIPES, SOME FLORAL NOSEBAND THAT IS STAINED BROWN AND HAS GOLD LACING!!! On top of everything the lacing is all messed up - she ran short of lace part way thru so added in making several areas fat while others thin and going the wrong way. I was in tears.

I wrote a note to them via facebook privately so as to not cause desent and got a rude - they thought the brown halter looked better with it so went with brown. Since it's a custom order there is no refund or return.

Then I get an email from someone telling me to call a #. So I call. A woman w/thick Tx accent tells me she's the bookkeeper and she saw my order and it said Damask pattern and that was Damask. I explained that Farel is one that wrote Damask I had no idea what it was. She said owner had had death in family and was recovering from that and that friends had covered the phones. She would make sure it was redone once she got back from rodeo she was headed to.

I get home and there's another facebook message telling me that they absolutely do not refund, etc. So I'm getting messages from 2 different sourcez telling me 2 different things. So I wrote back saying the woman said she'd redo and that I would file w/paypal and my cc if thry chose not to fix or refund.

I then ge t a really nasty email from the owner, who the whole time was writing me on facebook and emailing me and was the person who said she was the bookkeeper. Now because I don't properly respect her MOM dying (didn't know it was her or hrr mom) that she wasn't going to deal with this anymore. I am to return the halter and it better be in same condition sent and she'll refund. I hope cuz now her website says 30% restocking fee.

This has been one of the most horrible buying experiences I have ever had. I am hoping I get my money back but want to warn others to be careful. She tried to say she had no evidence of me placing order. Then how did they chg my cc and why did they send me a halter - albeit an ugly one?

Company: The Cowboy Junkie
Country: USA
Address: po box 863 Huntington TX 75949
Phone: 9366763725
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