Tim Halter

Construction & Repair

'Tim Halter' = DOUCHEBAG So this scum gets on here defending a 'friend' of his who he knows is a con man and criminal, telling people who've been scammed out of hundreds of thousands of dollars that they don't know what they're talking about. So in our opinion (the swindled), that makes 'Tim Halter'a douchebag asshole who doesn't know what he's talking about. Oh, and the pics of his swishy home on the internet are like something out of a Liberace wet dream (not a compliment).'Tim Halter': Try not sticking your moron nose in other people's business... It just shows how little you know and what a dumbass you are.

Company: Tim Halter
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
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KELLY O'NEAL/Design-Legacy
Fake Positive Posts

American Business Concepts John Halter
American Business Concepts & John Halter Concept ripping off overseas companies

The Cowboy Junkie
Cowboy Junkie made me a JUNK HALTER

Smuckers Harness Shop
Lost my order then when asked canceled it on me

Stateline Tack, sending merchandise not as advertised and not willing to pay for shipping - leather stable halter by camelot

R. Michael Skupin
Morrison Skupin, PLLC Mortgage Loan Modifications, rogue Agent, won't accept responsibilty for agent's actions

Fraud fraud fraud -do not buy from this website! Warning!

Cherie K Deslauriers-Halter
Cherie Deslauriers, Soundgarden Enterprises, Morrison Skupin Mortgage, Mortgage Loan Modification, Realtor, Law Firm

Not Impressed

This is a SCAM!