Black Pond Outfitters - Jennifer Greer
Processed my payment, never sent my order, never returned calls, pages or e-mails, compant effectively disappeared from the we

Internet & Web

Early December I called Jennifer Greer to order a special custom Christmas gift for a friend as well as a halter for myself. I was promised these items by Christmas that day. Christmas came and went, I called Jennifer to see if the items could have been lost in the mail or delayed. She did not answer numerous phone calls or pages. When I went online I found her web pages had disappeared. I left more messages which were not returned.

January 4 I was looking for a similar item to Jennifers and found it advertised on a different website-same photos and descriptions. I contacted this distributer and was answered by e-mail: "I am a distributer for Black Pond Halters but due to the problems I am havivg, I am no longer going to be selling her halters. I will be taking them off my site tonight".

On January 6 I got an e-mail addressed to "Lisa"-not my name-that apologised for the mess -ups and claimed to want to know if I wanted product or refund. I immediately called the number she gave-repeatedly left new messages-never heard from her again.

Jennifer Greer and Black pond Outfitters fraudulent actions should be followed up on.

Company: Black Pond Outfitters - Jennifer Greer
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Pomona
Address: PO Box 63
Phone: 6185497203
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Jennifer Greer
Black Pond Outfitters, Black Pond Outfitters / Totally unreliable. Kept my money and didn't recieve merchandise

Black Pond Outfitters, Jennifer Greer
Jennifer Greer Black Pond Outfitters Won eBay auction, Paid promptly, many excuses, many months and no product sent to me from Black Pond Outfitters

Black Pond Outfitters Jennifer Greer
Jenna Greer, Jen Baney, Jenna Grier, Ahimsha Rescue, Jennifer Grier If you've been another victim of Jennifer Greer or one of her countless alias's contact me i'll help you for free, Carbondale

Jennifer Greer
Paid for a custom made mecate - never received item or my money back Phone

Black Pond Outfitters Jennifer Greer
Black Pond Outfitters was operated in a rental property without paying rent Pomona

Black Pond Outfitters, Jennifer Greer
Ordered items, paid via credit card, poor or no communication, items not received

Jeniffer Greer Of Black Pond Outfitters
Curb strap ordered for christmas, never received it or heard anything after my credit card was taken for payment

Jennifer Greer, Blackpondoutfittersand Tackcompany, Ranchtrialnuts, blackfoxequestrian (ebay)
Jennifer Greer, Blackpondoutfittersandtackcompany, Ranchtrialnuts, blackfoxequestrian, ebay paid for items sold on ebay, products never received

Jen@Black Pond Outfitters
Jen @ Black Pond Outfitters ordered tack never received
None receipt of product Internet