Danic1971 - ebay
Fraud! Ripoff

Internet & Web

This is the Worst and Most unprofessional seller EVER! I emailed this stripper to ask her a question about her auction and she wrote back using foul language saying she didn't have time to write me because she had to go to work to do pole dancing. What the HECK??!! What a lunatic! Don't buy from her. It'll be a headache!

Company: Danic1971 - ebay
Country: USA
State: Pennsylvania
City: Philadelphia
Address: danic1971@ebay. fraud
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Is nothing but a giant internet ripoff business, half the sellers on ebay are complete frauds and ebay would do nothing about it Nationwide, USA

EBay, Edsbonebed
EBay & Their Feedback System & Edsbonebed ebay's new feedback system, edsbonebed

Prescottracing - Jennifer Wright
Ripoff item paid for and not received - no response to emails

New feedback system sucks

Mike Sharp
Ebay User Id - Winnersway11 ripoff - ebay auction seller takes the payment & does not deliver! Internet

Pay Pal — On Line Auction
Pay pal on line auction pay pal are for the seller not buyer nationwide

Max's Picturethis
Max Globin Ripped off My Max's Picturethis

CS Market Enterprises
EBay Seller - unethical seller!

Ebay TicketMan225
Ebay Seller Harassing Me

Nasty email from ebay selle