Just Cloud
JustCloud Tons of Hidden Fees... Sneaky and shady!

Internet & Web

Before I signed up I thoroughly read their site and with a single account I was gonna be able to back up my computer as well as other drives on my network. Just a couple of weeks after I signed up, apparently they changed everything without notifying anyone so that you had to pay extra to back up network drives. Ok fine, I decided to suck it up and pay the extra charge for a second license to run backups on a second computer. Then it turns out I can't backup videos - they wanted yet another fee to backup video files. On top of it, you can't backup files larger than 1gb without
paying yet another fee! I then find out that even though I signed up for 2 years of service at 70% off, once renewal times comes around, I'm not eligible for any discounts.

All BS... This is clearly bait and switch advertising and they hide behind their long, multi-page Terms & Conditions page which they know most people don't comb through word for word. I demanded my money back for my 2 years of service plus my upgrade to a second computer backup license. They then give me a tiny refund back. I ask why such a small amount and they explain that there is a $14.95 early termination fee hidden deep in the fine print of their T&C page. Ok, but it still
doesn't add up considering I also paid for the second license upgrade. They then respond: oh, upgrades are non-refundable - which is also never clearly stated and hidden deep in their fine

Also, good luck contacting them via telephone. The only way to contact them is via an email contact form on their site. And most of the initial responses are either automated bots or the support staff simply spits back scripted responses. I've gotten the same word-for-word response for two different questions from two different support personnel.

Such a sneaky and shady company. Beware of this company and don't fall for their cheap initial price. You'll pay dearly in the end for it and you'll be hesitant to switch once you have hundreds of GB backed up to their servers (which really aren't their servers at all - they simply lease server space from Amazon.com).

I'm planning on switching to another company that seems very straight forward with no games or hidden fees and true unlimited storage plans. They've been recommended by a reviewer online but I'm going to really do my own research and will update here if it can help others out.

Company: Just Cloud
Country: USA
Site: justcloud.com
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Awareness Technologies
Deceptice sales and marketing practices, fradulent product, horrible customer service