Activation process/"diagnosing —" They LIED TO ME!

Internet & Web

The FREE DIAGNOSIS was a painfully lengthy required process before selling the licence code.
And then had the gall to require $200 if I wanted a tech to fix it all for me. I explained I had Norton360 — they explained back to me that Norton360 could NOT fix all the critical things wrong with my pc. I then consulted with Norton 360 on their own chat line about this, and they (Norton360) said they had loads of complaints about websites for PC cleanup - such as SpeedyPCPro, My clean PC etc. Am now in process of getting my credit card charge of $39.94 refunded.
Have faith in your own tried and true like I have - Norton360 for much less trouble and much less expense. This is not an ad for Norton — there are many REPUTABLE companies like them out there.

Company: SafeCart
Country: USA
Address: 780 Tolmie Ave Victoria, British Columbia vbx 3w4 Canada
Phone: 8002096437
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Activation process/"diagnosing - " They LIED TO ME!

Consumer Report
Peter Xu. Zengyang xu fraud! Cheater! Scammer! Rude!

ITechLine Support
Consumer Report

Norton live I purchased Norton 30 protection software, the tec. Said he would need a additional $39.99 to install it, because it had a infection that needed to be removed. I waited 5 days on hold for 8 hours

Pc Care 247
Doing business as support to norton watch for rip off from this company and high pressure sales

Double billing
Consumer Report

Norton Software
Consumer Report

Geek Squad
Computer - diagnostic, repair, norton360 install, optimize for performance