Just Answer
Scam, Deliberate iDeceptive & Confusing Site

Internet & Web

Just answer may give you answers but their site is deliberately confusing & manipulates you into unknowingly agreeing to a monthly subscription & on-going charges to your credit card. They require a deposit & tell you you do. T have to accept the answer, but once you agree to the deposit & they have your card your money is gone & getting it back is next to impossible. Since I hadn't used the card for too much else, I failed to realize for a few months that I was being charged monthly for a service I didn't even know I had. I think I'm pretty internet confident, but this company's web site totally caught me off guard. Legally, they are probably within their rights, who know because I don't even know what I did to sign up for the subscription, but ethically they are doing bad business & ripping people off.

Company: Just Answer
Country: USA
Phone: 8885878220
Site: justanswer.com
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Just answer
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