Verizon Online
Deceptive, Fraudulant, Un-Ethical, Dishonest, Insulting

Internet & Web

In May of this year, I switched from Optimum Online to Verizon DSL because of a LARGE price increase from Optimum and a seemingly better promotional offer from Verizon of $29.95, - $5 a month & free modem & shipping - I confirmed this on their website & have a copy of the online chat to confirm-

I waited till end of month for billing conveince & confirmed offer over the phone using my cell (NOT Verizon) to see if offer could be met over the phone-I was YES with NO other conditions or add on's mentioned.

This is when the billing circus started-1st mon $0-next month $45.99-figured it was a combo of 2 months - called for clarification & was told wait 2 months for promotions to be applied-when I checked back billing was still complicated.

Now I check and it's up to $57-along with months previous-called Ann at customer service & was told" They had no record of me placing the original order, no record of 2nd Phone call for billing inquiry-the "EXTRA" charges were for un-wanted services buried in the fine print. Problem was NOT resolved, so either someone at Verizon messed up OR I'm being treated as a LIAR.

Lesson Learned-If you believe the Advertising & Trust Verizon, be prepared to stay vigilant-record any conversations for your own "Quality assurance" and if there's a problem-get screwed and join a long list of unhappy customers.

Company: Verizon Online
Country: USA
State: West Virginia
City: Martinburg
Address: 400 Foxcroft Ave 2nd Floor
Phone: 8005676789
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