Spytech Software
Spytech Software is unworkable and unreturnable!

Internet & Web

I purchased Spy Agent from Spytech Software after reading good reviews from PC magazine online. This was November. I attempted to install the software in early November with no luck. I could not access any type of control panel as indicated in the directions. I called for help, they suggested I disable my antivirus software, done, now I received a sysdiag error message. I called the help line again, they suggested disabling features of the software in order to make it run. I did this and I was able to access the control dialogue box. After a few more error messages and more phone calls to Spytech's help line, be prepared to wait a good long time for them to answer, the software tracked activities but only on the Administrator account! More phone calls, more online help posts to Spytech but I ran out of patience after about 3 weeks of this, especially after the sysdiag error message RETURNED! I asked for a refund, I know I should have read the fine print where it said somewhere that there are NO RETURNS, but since the product was reviewed so well by PC mag, I thought ok no problem. So on 12/3 I get an email from Spytech saying that they can in effect net op in to my pc to install the program for me. I don't want anyone in my pc but me! I filed with the BBB, Spytech said they won't return the software because I could be using it because it could be already installed on my pc! I can't get it to run and want my money back, very simple please help!!! Plus they are upset because I am posting my negative experiences about them.

Company: Spytech Software
Country: USA
Address: PO BOX 331 Redwing MN 55066
Phone: 18882019671
Site: spytech-web.com
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Spytech software
Spytech Faulty Software BEWARE!

Spytech Software
Poor product and customer service!

The Plimus Team on behalf of Spytech Software Inc
Consumer Report

Spytech Spy Agent
BEWARE of Spytech... Faulty Software!

Faulty software

False advertisement, ripped off, no assistance

Application Scam

Realtime Sytech Software
Software Fraud

Spytech Software And Design
Product Doesn't work and they still want to keep my money

TURBOTAX Faulty Turbotax software, cost $40.00 to install it.intuit will not reimburse even though they admit to faulty software