False advertisement, ripped off, no assistance

Internet & Web

I purchased a spy program to ensure my son wasn't doing anything on my computer while i was out of town. The program is supposed to be able to be "remotely" installed -meaning I dont have to be on the computer to install it. After downloading it, I attempted to configure it to send to my home computer (the computer i wanted to spy on). I was unsuccessful. Receiving an assertion error everytime I tried to configure it. I had gone back and forth with their VERY slow tech support help desk to try to get the problem resolved. The only sollution they offered me was to disable the virus protection and firewall -which totally took away from the ability to be "remotely" install... And did NOT work anyway. I still received the same error message. After 4 days of not getting anywhere. I requested a refund. They informed me they do not give out refunds. I then called customer service which is ONE person (the guy himself told me) and again. Offered no assistance! He told me he would send my info to the help desk (im assuming is also just one person). I asked if there was a phone number I could CALL them so I didnt have to wait back and forth for email. He said no. I told him I already talked to help desk and their only suggestion was one that did not work. He told me thanks for calling spytech. Have a nice day. And CLICK. (he hung up phone) I really wish I had visited this page prior to WASTING my $80 on a program that wouldnt even work because apparently im not the only one being RIPPED OFF by this company. They told me they couldnt issue me a refund cuz their would be no way for them to know if i was using it. Which is just BS because the information that is collected (spy) is only accessable on the internet with a username and password that they gave me. They can easily remove that username and password making the program unusable to me (as if it weren't already). Now, that they wont give me a refund I have attempted to configure it again-but now they have changed my username and password (GO FIGURE!!!) to where I can't even access it. Hmmm. Even though they can't do that! ODD!

I don't know what to do now, but I don't have $80 to just throw away so I have to figure out how I'm going to get my money back. Wish me luck.

Company: Spytech
Country: USA
Phone: 8882019671
Site: spytech-web.com
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Spytech software
Spytech Faulty Software BEWARE!

Spytech Software
Spytech Software is unworkable and unreturnable!

Spytech Software
Poor product and customer service!

Rude, crooks, thieves, liars!

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Consumer Report

Advanced Tech Support
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Password recovery - Micro Soft windows 8.1

Run Around

Ripped-Off: A Cautionary Tale Internet

Technical support was not helpful at all Internet