Spytech Spy Agent
BEWARE of Spytech... Faulty Software!

Games & Gaming process

Bought application on 11/6/10 and after numerous calls and emails for help with installation and operation it nevertheless doesn't function. They'll not refund my cash, they just recycle the aid "tips" after I request a return. Drive METHOD Free From the corporation... Helpdesk is of no aid they don't follow-up whenever you request a reimbursement... Don't waste your cash!!!

Company: Spytech Spy Agent
Country: USA
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Spytech software
Spytech Faulty Software BEWARE!

Spytech Software
Spytech Software is unworkable and unreturnable!

Application Scam

The Plimus Team on behalf of Spytech Software Inc
Consumer Report

Faulty software

Spytech Software
Poor product and customer service!

Realtime Sytech Software
Software Fraud

Hallmark Software
Defective card studio

Tearing people off!

Air AsiaGO
Beware of their refund practice