Amazon - Toys R Us
Ripoff liars, cheats, fraudulent company! They don't care about good customer service!

Internet & Web

Do not buy from Amazon or Toys R Us this season. They don't care about good customer service!

I placed an order yesterday for $400 of toys for my grandchildren, they were offering free s&h and free stuffed animals (they did not suppy either of these).

The computer processed it (incorrectly) and now it has disappeared. No one can find it, Now they say my e-mail address doesn't exist. I called the office of the president (WHO OBVIOUSLY COULD CARE LESS) and could only get an automated answering service.

It is outrageous that in this economic climate that a big company like them could care nothing about us little people. I have talked to their customer service department 3 times today always to be told there is nothing anyone can do. I just have to wait until it shows up.

I am not going to let them steal my money.

Company: Amazon - Toys R Us
Country: USA
State: Washington
Phone: 8002017575
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