Joseph Corsi
Ripoff took my money for a video promised refund no refund no video delivered

Internet & Web

Beware ebayers!
On june 16 i bought a wwf video from joseph corsi on ebay. His ebay screen name is hvcc123 when i found out the video wasn't what i wanted he promised a refund. He stopped answering my emails, finally he "tried" to send the money back using paypal. Surprise! The money was denied. So he promised to send a money order with a tracking number. Two months later, no refund, no response.

I even called him today. I explained who i was, but before i got to say all i wanted was the tape, i didn't even care if he didn't want to send the money, he hung up on me. I think he's breaking a copyright law too. The tape he's selling is from a pay per view, he's sold more than one copy, so unless he bought several from the manufacturer, then he is breaking the copyright law by making copies from the original and selling them. Don't buy anything from this guy! He's a liar and a fraud. And he's conducting his business from his college. Hudson valley community college. I've come to realize i'll never get my money back.

I only hope i can get the word around what a piece of shit this person is.

Amy clark

Company: Joseph Corsi
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Rensselaer
Phone: 5182836190
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