Home Depot
Bad experience - Replacement Windows

Furniture & Equipment

I purchased replacements windows and they are designed with a gap at the bottom which allows small bugs to get in. When I complained I was told "Well this is how we designed them". With follow up conversations, they replaced the screens leaving a gap at the top allowing bugs to get in. They were suppose to come and inspect the problem, instead I received a strongly worded letter saying I better pay the balance on the windows and I never got resolution.

I relented and shopped Home Depot in Huntersville NC, when I was recently shopping for a new kitchen. The salesman in the kitchen department was so rude I finally left. I started to ask questions, he answered the first one and walked away. I looked around and couldn't find anyone, so I waited. A man came up the aisle and I asked if he worked there, he replied no. About 5 minutes later he came back with the salesman and told the salesman I had been waiting long before him and he should help me. The salesman replied, NO, I will help you, she can just wait! I left and bought my new kitchen elsewhere.

I was a dedicated Home Depot customer, now I will never return to the store.

Company: Home Depot
Country: USA
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