Best Buy
Est buy, nookcolor e-reader - nookcolor e-reade

Electronics and household app.

I have bought 2 computers and a smart tv from Best Buy and have been very happy with geek squard, they have always been very helpeful and friendly even with some of my very stupid question. I was very impressed with Best Buy so I bought a nookcolor reader. The sales person was great, i told him he would have to be very patience with me and explain everything. He set up every thing and all he said i had todo when I got home was to enter my AT&T and password. It woud not connect, called AT&t 3 times and totally disgusted I gave up and decided to go back to best buy for help, no help was even offered. I was told if I payed $80.00 someone would set up for me. Really, AT&T wanted $50.00. I was so disappointed and disgusted that I returned the nookcolor Ereader. I am sorry this happened because I have always enjoyed shopping at Best Buy in Edwardsville #1426

Company: Best Buy
Country: USA
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Bait and switch? Nookcolor, not the tablet!

Barnes & Noble
Nook's defective charger & customer service

Radio Shack
Pandigital Reade

Radio Shack
Warranty is worthless on ereade

One Spirit, Smart Reader Rewards

Reader *Blessed on* ext. 02906170
Whip J. Wilson Psychic BIG TIME scam artist... See above real name

Westgate Resorts
Ripoff Orlando

Best Buy
Geek Squad

Borders Group, Inc
Refused to Refund Money

Fry's Electronics
Sold returned piece of junk as new, gave hassle in exchanging